Thursday 28 April 2011


I have found blogspot a very interesting tool to communicate with others.  Before I started this assignment I was feeling very nervous and scared because of the lack of confidence I had about technology. But as I pursued the assignment with positive thoughts I found the whole blogspot is so awesome.  I enjoyed reading peoples comments and especially reading about the interesting things they did with their children in centres around technology.  I have learnt alot from others and especially  with myself within this assignment.  I very confident and have no troubles introducing blogs to others.

I now know how important technology is in Early Childhood Centres. I have noticed during this assignment how much technology their is in centres.  I have observed that technology is within all learning spaces provided by the educators.  The contribution that educators have towards technology in the programmes are very vital and that educators need to up skill at all times so they keep in touch with the wider world and what the world is offering to children. I believe as an educator it is me role to encourage children in the centre to use new and familiar tools and equipment, provide children with the opportunities to explore and make sense of the unknown and support children to develop an understanding of how technology has a major impact on everyday life.

The comments that I have received from my peers are positive and very encouraging. The positive comments has boosted the confidence within myself to continue to support children in technology.  The comments has encouraged me to continue to provide children with extension to their knowledge about other ways in using technology. The significant use of technology is very important and as educators being the first teachers in a school environment I believe children should be given the opportunity to develop skills that will lead them into a higher level of understanding technology.

Through this assignment I have gained so much knowledge on everyday technology that I did not notice.  I am able to identify technology in children's play and development.  Now I observe more in depth with children and give them the chance to problem solve using the trail and error method to build their "understanding of people, places, events and things" (Ministry of Education, 1996, p.21). I believe that if we as educators are aware of the technology in the wider community and continue to upskill ourselves we will be able to cater for the children's needs through their interest in technology. "There is an increasing awareness of the technological world that we live in: a world that people have created and changed through technology" (1999, p.1).

Therefore this assignment has opened my eyes to how much high advanced technology surrounds me.  It has guided me to re-look at my practise and to refocus my thinking as an educator. I acknowledge that I am still learning about technology and developing ways to absorb what is around me on technology.  I know how much technology changes and I personally feel that I will continue to change my way of thinking and practise as I journey on with children to explore technology in Early Childhood environments.

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